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South Carolina State Council Resolutions Committee
“Promoting Excellence Through Unity”


I. Applicant must be:

A. A long standing registered member of the South Carolina State Council for a
minimum of five (5) consecutive years. He/She can be a pastor or non-pastor.

B. In good standing and loyal support to his/her local church per his/her pastor’s


C. Baptized in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38)

D. Filled with the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4)

E. A Godly example of holy living before his/her family, church, and the Council

F. A “good neighbor” in his/her community through significant acts of service,
kindness, and good deeds.

G. Must have made a positive impact toward the Council in the following areas:
1. Faithful in attendance
2. Significant acts of service and loyal support to the Council
3. Character influence of unity, love, and fellowship
4. Exemplary conduct in holy living


II. Application may be completed by a nominating representative if candidate is unable
to personally complete the application. A separate sheet can be attached in
providing information.


III. A copy of the completed application should be maintained by the applicant.
IV. Applicant must obtain signatures of approval from his/her Pastor, District Elder,
and Suffragan Bishop.
V. Deadline for submitting applications: January 10 prior to the June Council, unless
otherwise stipulated by the Advisory Board.
VI. Signed applications (excluding the Council Chairman and Registrar’s signatures)
should be submitted To: SCSC Resolutions Committee by the designated deadline.

click icon below to download form 


Created by N.J.P. Media all rights reserved to copy 2018

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